Anything.... everything.... something.... from the bottom of my heart!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

this and that...

i know it has been ages since the last post... was really2 busy with work, with the hse and lotttttsss more... will try and post more after this, hopefully... heh...

so, what's happening in my life... anything interesting?? well, there's lotttsss of thing to do... thats for sure... before my bro's wedding... nasib baik la belah lelaki.. so, just hv to worry abt the reception jer.. my mother is pretty excited with all this.. bukannya nak ingat yg dia tak boleh buat keje berat... tp kalau boleh tu semua pun nak buat sendiri... i'm taking few days off la before & after the wedding... u know how guys are... kalau tanya semua pun ok... semua pun i kena decide for him... even theme colour pun kena pikirkan... adoiiii la... however for now, hv make all necessary arrangement... nanti bila my time comes, mmg siap la bro i kalau dia tak cuti lama... hehe... berkira..

well, me & sheeda are currently planning sumthin major... sumthin that might change our life in the future... currently still testing the market and at planning stage... we are targetting jan 2007 to be the launch of this project... lotsss of things to think abt... cam tak percaya pun ada... it was previously only in our mind and chat and dream... but now, the ball is rolling... so, watch the space.... i'll definitely announce it here when the "big day" comes.... me excited, scared, overwhelmed... all in... just can't wait... do wish us luck!!! so....

TUNGGU!!!!! heh.. gambar ni just for sneak preview... *wink*wink*...

doesn't that look superlicious.... heh...

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