Anything.... everything.... something.... from the bottom of my heart!!!

Friday, March 03, 2006

petrol naik lagi???

the petrol price has increased by 30 cents ..... due to the increasing crude oil prices... hmmm... and the govt promise that there will not be anymore increase in prices during the yr... but, the irony of this is how it will affect the prices of other consumer goods... suppliers/traders will increase prices eventually as i don't think they wannna absorb the extra costs... and sapa yg kena the heat??? definitely you & me right...

hari ni isi minyak and it costs me abt RM15 more than what i use to pay.... terasa la jugak... but what to do... u hv no choice coz u need the petrol.. ppl are expecting a cut in tax rate to cover the cut in subsidy... but don't think thats gonna materialise, maybe not these few yrs... nipun they all dah deferkan implementation gst... if not, come 2007 harga barang semuanya naik gila2...

in klcc, they are having a peaceful riot today (after sembahyang jumaat)... to protest on the price hike... i think govt need to do sumthin... maybe become more transparent... coz ppl start to question where all the tax payer's money goes to... and most of new govt's projects ada jer masalah (like the new hiway build - dah pecah2 and retak)... tak tahu la silap tu kat mana kan coz we r just "org biasa"... but, whoever yg responsible tuh sedar2 la... life doesn't end here... kalau makan duit tak betul, imagine la berapa ramai umat manusia yg u kena jumpa nak mintak halal... takut kan, kalau termakan duit salah coz it will become not only ur flesh and blood but also ur family... implication dia bukan kecik...

just wanna share this doa; elok utk diamalkan...


"Ya Allah, aku memohon padaMu kebaikan pekerjaan ini dan segala kebaikan yang ada di dalamnya, dan aku berlindung padaMu daripada keburukan pekerjaan ini dan segala keburukan yang ada di dalamnya. Sesungguhnya di atas segala sesuatu itu Engkaulah yang maha berkuasa menentukannya. Ameen..."

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